Deze blogspot brengt het verslag van mijn verblijf in Zuid-Oost Turkije (Noord-Koerdistan) met als focus het aanslepende conflict en kinderrechten. Het richt zich tot iedereen die hierover meer wil te weten komen en in het bijzonder tot Europese beleidsmakers, kinderrechten - en vredesorganisaties die binnen het Turkse toetredingsproces aandacht willen vragen voor een vreedzame en dus kindvriendelijke oplossing van de Koerdische kwestie. Sommige posts zullen vertaald worden naar het Engels en het Frans.

This blogspot reports on my stay in the Southeast of Turkey (North-Kurdistan) and focusses on the ongoing conflict and childrens rights. It was set up for everybody who wants to know more about the subject. In particular, it aims to adress European policy makers, childrens rights and peace organisations who want to work on a peacefull and child friendly solution for the Kurdish question within the framework of the Turkish accession process to the EU. Some of the posts will be translated into English and French.

dinsdag 17 mei 2011

"Mother Tongue First" is published

Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DİSA) continue its researches and studies on the Use of Mother Tongue in Education. In this respect, the program named Advocacy for Mother Tongue in Education has been prepared to ensure the Use of Kurdish as Mother Tongue in Education. For this aim, a series of multilingual brochures named Mother Tongue First will be published to raise the public awareness and to enrich the current discussions based on sound data. The first of these bilingual brochures has already been published in Kurdish and Turkish sharing the same name with the series Mother Tongue First. Within this first brochure, topics such as the importance of the use of mother tongue in education, the relationship between mother tongue-based education and gender, revolutionary education, language policies and practices, linguistic interdependence, economic aspects of bilingual education and linguistic biodiversity have been covered through the abridged articles by worldwide known experts. We are happy to share this work of us with you. Click here.

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